CITE Research Symposium 2019 (CITERS 2019) will be held on 31st May and 1st June, 2019 at The University of Hong Kong. CITERS 2019 is organized by the Centre for Information Technology in Education of the University of Hong Kong in collaboration with the Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI), the Libraries of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity). The symposium’s main theme is:
“Learning Design and Learning Environment: Innovation and Interactions”
Education nowadays has to prepare students for jobs that have not yet been created, technologies that have not yet been invented and problems that we do not yet know will arise. New developments in the learning science raise important questions of the learning design and the design of learning environment. How can we design the learning experience that can equipped students with 21st century skills such as self-directed learning, collaborative skill, and critical problem solving skills to enable them to function as lifelong learners?
The symposium has four sub-themes:
- Learning Design and Learning Analytics
- Computational Thinking and STEAM
- Learning Environment and Design
- Generation Z: Learners and Learning
The CITERS 2019 Organizing Committee is now calling for contributions from educational researchers and practitioners, including teacher educators, principals, teachers, government officers, librarians, students and graduates from education programmes, CITE members and those interested in IT and educational research. More details about CITERS 2019 call for contributions can be found in
Call for Contributions
The CITERS 2019 Organizing Committee is now calling for contributions from educational researchers and practitioners, including teacher educators, principals, teachers, government officers, librarians, students and graduates from education programmes, CITE members and those interested in IT and educational research.
Five presentation formats will be accepted, namely:
Submitted contributions will be reviewed by the CITERS 2019 Organizing Committee and Program Committee.
Please submit proposals via our conference system at CITE Abstracts Submission System
on or before 2 April 2019 (Tue).